Fungiss - Mushroom Magic

Shipping and Return FAQ

Shipping FAQ
How much are the delivery charges?

We do not charge an additional shipping fee on all orders

Are there any extra charges for Cash on Delivery (COD)?

No, there is no extra charges for COD services.

How sure am I that the products delivered will be fresh?

All items delivered by us come with the manufacturing date & an expiry date. If you notice any damage of packaging, damage to product, wrong product shipped in the order at the time of delivery, you can request return through Please refer our ‘Refunds and Returns’ policy for further details.

What if I am not home at the time of order delivery?

Our logistics vendors, will make total 3 attempts to deliver at your given delivery address. So if you miss your delivery on first attempt you can always grab it at second or third.

If I am not home, can my roommate receive the order?

In case the person who placed the order is not available at the delivery address, any person available at the delivery address (residential or otherwise) will be given your order. This will be considered as order delivered.

Do you deliver to all cities?

No. Delivery is only available for the residents of Bangalore as of now and this option will be soon available in other cities of India.

What is the estimated shipping time? How will I know when the order is shipped?

With every order, you will receive an email containing the details of the order placed by you. Once we ship the item(s), you will receive another email containing the shipping details. Usually it takes about 3-4 business days for the products to be shipped.

Once the order is made, can the order be cancelled?

The order placed can be cancelled only before the invoice is generated for the order. The amount will be refunded to you in the form of coupon code or store credit within 10 working days.

For orders that have already been shipped, there will be no cancellations made except for damage of packaging, damage to product and wrong product shipped. . Please refer our ‘Refunds and Returns’ policy for further details.

What about any hidden costs (sales tax, octroi etc.)?

VAT is charged on the order which you will have a chance to review in your Shopping Cart.

Does Fungiss Foods Pvt. Ltd deliver internationally?

Fungiss Foods Pvt. Ltd doesn't deliver items internationally. You are more than welcome to make your purchases on our site from anywhere in the world, but you'll have to ensure the Delivery Address is within Bangalore.

Refund & Return FAQ

What happens if the products I ordered are not available?

In case of non availability of order which is paid prepaid online portal using credit card/debit card or net banking, the amount will be returned by reversing the transaction within 7-10 business days. For more information, please refer our ‘Refunds and Returns’ policy section.

a. Who bears the postal charges for the goods returned?

The return request has to be made within 3(three) days from the date of delivery. The Customer has to return the product to the Fungiss’s warehouse at their own cost. On receiving the product at Fungiss’s warehouse, the approval of the returns will be made by Fungiss. Upon approval of the returns, a store credit or coupon code, whichever applicable, will be shared with the Customer. The store credit or coupon code will include the shipping cost incurred by the Customer for return of shipping of the Fungiss product. For more information, please refer our ‘Refunds and Returns’ policy section.

Can I cancel my order after placing it?
The order once placed cannot be cancelled after the invoice has been generated for it. In case of cancellations, the amount will be refunded to you in the form of coupon code or store credit within 7 to 10 business days. For more information, please refer our ‘Refunds and Returns’ policy section.